
Friday, July 10, 2015

GIS 4048: Applications in GIS – Participation Assignment Number 2 - Part II

Urban Planning – GIS for Local Government

The map below depicts county assessment land values and easements in the West Ridge Place subdivision in Escambia County, Florida.   Properties with similar characteristics should have similar assessment values.

A few important characteristics that affect value include lot size, improvement (building) size, age, condition, location, proximity to waterfront, and land use.  The map below is being used to look for inconsistencies for the review of assessment land values in the West Ridge Place subdivision.

According to the official subdivision plat map, the small triangle shape parcel in the middle (090310422) will be used as a sewage lift station and is not available for development.  In addition, the subdivision includes parcels designated as retention ponds and conservation easements not available for development.  These parcels are depicted on the map below at the top left corner of the map (090310410 with a value of $10,269 and 090310420 with a value of $167) and the bottom right corner of the map (090310421 with a value of $95).

The value on the following parcels should be reviewed:

  1. Parcel 090310410 with a value of $10,269 mentioned above.  Value seems excessive as compared to parcels in the subdivision with similar characteristics.
  2. Parcel 090310421 with a a value of $95 on the top left area of the map.  This parcel fronts Lamont Road and may be available for development but the value seems low as compared to other similar parcels in the subdivision.
  3. Parcel 090310165 with a value of $33,250 on the top area of the map.  Value seems a bit high as compared to parcels in the subdivision with similar characteristics.

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