
Friday, July 10, 2015

GIS 4048: Applications in GIS – Participation Assignment Number 2 – Part 1

Urban Planning – GIS for Local Government
1.     Does your property appraiser offer a web mapping site?  If so, what is the web address?  If not, what is the method in which you may obtain the data?

Yes, the County of Riverside, California Assessor’s Office (same as the appraiser) has the following portal:

Searching for Assessor’s Parcel Number (property identification number) 961-450-008 returns the following information:

Clicking on “View Parcel Map” returns the following map:

Otherwise data could be obtained by contacting the Assessor’s Office via phone at 951-955-6200 or via email at

2.     Most property appraiser’s websites offer a list of recent property sales by month.  Search for the month of June for the current year and locate the highest property sold.  What was the selling prices of this property?  What was the previous selling prices of this property (if applicable)? 

The highest property sold during the month of June 2015 was a 55 acre commercial/industrial property at 14950 Meridian Pkwy, Riverside, CA (Assessor’s Parcel Number: 294-640-024) sold on June 2, 2015 for $97,682,500.  It last sold on April 3, 2014 for $76,693,500.

Below is a screen shot of the list of commercial/industrial properties sold within the County in June 2015 from the County website:

The County website did not have prior sales information available, but I was able to find online from other sources:

3.     What is the assessed land value?  Based on land record data, is the assessed land value higher or lower than the last sale price?

The assessed land value for the property above is $9,500,000 with a structure value of $26,000,000 for a full assessed value of $35,500,000 which is lower than both the most recent and previous sales price.

4.     Share additional information about this piece of land that you find interesting.  Many times, a link to the deed will be available providing more insight to the sale.

I was not able to find additional information on this particular property except for the Google Earth Map below:

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