
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cartographic Skills – Week 6 – Data Classification

GIS 3015: Cartographic Skills
Week 6 Lab: Data Classification

The map below reflects the use of four data classification methods to represent the percentage of population above 65 for Census tracts in Escambia County, FL as of the 2010 Census.  The four data classifications methods include: Equal Interval, Quantile, Standard Deviation, and Natural Break.

The data classification methods can be found and applied under the Symbology properties of each layer in ArcGIS.  The graduated colors option under the quantity option allows for the selection of various data classification methods and the number of classes to represent the data with the selected color ramp.

Displaying four maps in one page required the use of four data frames.  The use of the ruler and guides was extremely helpful for the alignment of the maps and the legend.  Finally, all maps were set to the same scale to share the same bar scale.

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