
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cartographic Skills - Week 2 - Intro to Corel Draw

Cartographic Skills - Week 2 - Introduction to Corel Draw - Process Summary Details:

This lab assignment introduced us to Corel Draw as a software tool to manipulate and enhance maps created and exported from ArcGIS.  The core components of the map below were created in ArcGIS.  The labels, State seal, flower, and flag as well as title, orientation arrow and source were added in Corel Draw.  Corel Draw has incredible editing capabilities and the sample below showcase some of its basic tools such as the replacement of color and drawing of lines.

Process Summary Detail Question:
How would you fit text to a path; start the process summary with the creation of the curve/shape and explain how you would align the text.
1.       Select the Pen Tool to draw a curved line.  Click on the starting point and double-click at the end point to create the curved line. 
2.       Select the object – in this case the curved line.  Select the Text Tool.  Click on the selected object – the curved line – and start typing.  The text will fit the path of the curved line.

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