GIS 3015
Module 1 Lab: Map
NAME: Pablo Perez
Provide the
following in the space provided below:
of a well-designed map. (Copy and paste
in this document)
paragraph critique of your well-designed map—critique must be supported with
2-3 map design principles.
I have selected
the SCWildlifeZones.jpg map as an example of a well-designed map. The map represents the various wildlife
management game zones within the State of South Carolina. The representation minimizes map crap and is
effectively labeled. The number of
information-carrying dimensions depicted do not exceed the number of dimensions
in the data; and the map maximizes data-ink ratio. The map contains clear, detailed and thorough
labeling to defeat graphical distortion and ambiguity.
of a poorly-designed map. (Copy and paste
in this document)
paragraph critique of your poorly-designed map—critique must be supported with
2-3 map design principles.
have selected the AirNow.jpg map as an example of a poorly-designed map. I feel this map is not effectively labeled
and lacks in mapping substantial information.
I believe the map intends to represents the air quality index for
specific dates within a date period.
Unfortunately, I can’t figure out the specific dates of the various
measurements shown. Consequently, the
map lacks in principle number 7 – Clear, detailed, and thorough labeling should
be used. The map intends to depict
interesting data but it lacks in principle number 1 – Graphical excellence is
the well-designed presentation of interesting data; and principle number 2 –
Graphical excellence consists of complex ideas community with clarity,
precision, and efficiency. Too much
complex data not properly labeled and represented.