
Sunday, September 27, 2015

GIS 4035: Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing: Module 5A – Intro to ERDAS Imagine

Module 5A:  Intro to ERDAS Imagine and Digital Data 1

This week’s lab involved the calculating of wavelength, frequency, and energy of EMR, locating and using the basic tools in ERDAS Imagine, using the Viewer to view data in ERDAS Imagine, creating a subset data in ERDAS Imagine, and making a map with the subset data in ArcGIS.

The map below represents the selected subset data from ERDAS Imagine with corresponding classes and area (acreage).

Saturday, September 26, 2015

GIS 4930: Special Topics in GIS Module 2 - Prepare Week

Module 2:  Mountain Top Removal – Prepare Week

This week’s lab involved the use of a Python script for geoprocessing of raster datasets with the Mosaic Raster Toolset to define an area and the Hydrology Toolset to create a hydrology dataset.  In addition, ArcGIS Online was used to create a Story Map and a Map Journal.  The mountain top removal study area for Group 4 covers the Appalachian Coal Region of West Virginia.

The link below represents the Six (6) Stages of Mountain Top Removal Story Map:

The link below represents the DRAFT of the Mountain Top Removal Map Journal:

The map below represents the study area:

Monday, September 21, 2015

GIS 4035: Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing: Module 4 – Ground Truthing and Accuracy Assessment

Module 4:  Ground Truthing and Accuracy Assessment

This week’s lab involved the plotting of 30 systematic points for ground truthing and accuracy assessment with Google maps as compared to the previous classification of features in a natural color aerial photograph of Pascagoula, MS using the USGS Standard Land Use Land Cover Classification System.  The features were initially identified on the ground based size, shape, color, pattern, shadows, and association.

The map below represents the accuracy assessment as described above.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

GIS 4930: Special Topics in GIS Module 1 - Report Week

Module 1:  Network Analyst – Report Week

This week’s lab involved designing a pamphlet with evacuation routes/information from Tampa General Hospital for the general public, designing emergency supplies delivery route maps with turn-by-turn driving directions, and designing informational maps for the media to inform the public of evacuation routes and shelter locations.

The maps below represent some of the scenarios described above for Tampa, Florida.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

GIS 4035: Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing: Module 3 – Classification Mapping

Module 3:  Land Use Land Cover Classification Mapping

This week’s lab involved the classification of features in a natural color aerial photograph of Pascagoula, MS using the USGS Standard Land Use Land Cover Classification System.  The features were identified on the ground based size, shape, color, pattern, shadows, and association.

The map below represents the land use land cover codes applied to the features as described above.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

GIS 4035: Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing: Module 2 – Visual Interpretation

Module 2:  Visual Interpretation

This week’s lab involved the identification of features in aerial photographs by several visual attributes such as:

·         Tone
·         Texture
·         Shape and Size
·         Shadow
·         Pattern
·         Association

In addition some features were identified based on true color and compared against a False Color IR image.

The maps below represent the features identified as described above.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

GIS 4930: Special Topics in GIS Module 1 - Analyze Week

Module 1:  Network Analyst – Analyze Week

This week’s lab involved using Network Analyst to create various evacuation and supply route scenarios using flooded streets as restricted segments and considering elevation and anticipated levels as Scaled Costs.  Scenarios include:

               Nearest shelter zones
               Supply routes from National Guard armory to shelters (schools)
               Evacuation routes from Tampa General Hospital
               Evacuation routes from downtown Tampa,

The map below represents the scenarios described above as Hurricane Preparedness Guide for Tampa, Florida.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

GIS 4930: Special Topics in GIS Module 1 - Prepare Week

Module 1:  Network Analyst – Prepare Week

This week’s lab involved organizing and preparing data for a flood zone study area of Tampa, Florida.  The data was clipped, re-projected, and reclassified to create a basemap and map package including metadata files.

The map below represents flood zone study area of Tampa, Florida.