
Sunday, May 31, 2015

GIS 4048: Applications in GIS Module 3

Module 3:  Data Management Skills and Tsunami Evacuation: Creating Evacuation Zones

This week’s lab had two parts: data management skills and the creation of evacuation zones for a tsunami.  The data management skills portion involved the creation of a file geodatabase, the creation of a feature dataset, addition of feature classes, tables with spatial coordinates, and raster datasets.

I found the tools used in relation to the raster datasets particularly interesting.  The Build Raster Attribute Table was used to get elevation value and count fields to be used for subsequent elevation analysis.  The Mosaic to New Raster was used to join multiple raster datasets together so that we did not have to run the same calculation multiple times because of separate and multiple raster datasets.  And the Calculate Statistics tool was used on the raster datasets so that the data could be later classified.

The second part of the lab involved the creation of radiation and inundation zones around the Fukushima II nuclear power plant in Japan.  Again the Multiple Buffer Tool was used to create buffer/evacuation zones which were later clipped to an administrative feature class on land to get rid of buffer zones in the ocean. 

I use the Building a Label Expression to join the City names and corresponding population in the labels – I found this very helpful.  A VBScript command was used in a SQL expression as follows: [City] &vbnewline & [Pop].  Model builder was used to create a model that used the Con, Raster to Polygon, Append, Create Feature Class, and Intersect Tools to process an elevation dataset of the area (DEM) to create three different inundation zones (at different elevation ranges) while also identifying cities, nuclear plants, and roads that intersected those inundation zones.  Overall, this was one of my favorite labs so far…though a very long one.

Below is the map representing Radiation and Inundation Zones for the Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.

Monday, May 25, 2015

GIS 4048: Applications in GIS Module 2

Module 2: Natural Hazards: Lahars

This week’s assignment involved the analysis of spatial data in GIS to identify potential inundation zones from Lahars for the Mount Hood Volcano in Oregon.  Lahar is also called volcanic mudflow or debris flow.  Lahar is a mixture of water and volcanic debris that moves rapidly downstream.  Consistency can range from that of muddy dishwater to that of wet cement, depending on the ratio of water to debris.  Lahars pose the greatest hazard because more people live downstream in lahar-prone river valleys than live on the volcano’s flanks. 
The assignment involved the creation of data using the Go to XY tool including the convert graphics feature, the use of the Spatial Analyst Extension, the “joining” of multiple raster datasets into a single raster using the Mosaic to Raster tool, the use of the Hydrology toolset to perform flow and directional analysis, the use of census data and analyzes performed based on distance to ultimately assess hazard areas.

In my experience, the most difficult part of this assignment was selecting proper labels and symbology to represent readable data amongst the clutter of feature classes and colors in a limited space.

Below is the hazard assessment map for the pre-determined area of study around Mount Hood, Oregon.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

GIS 4102: GIS Programming Module 2

Module 2: Python Fundamentals Part 1

This week’s assignment covered the use of variables, strings, lists, functions, methods, math, and conditional statements.  The script prints my last name and a number equal to three times the number of characters in my last name. 

The script creates several variables including:
·         A variable for my full name.
·         A variable to split my full name into a list.
·         A variable to store the length of my last name which is the second item on the list – index position 1.
·         A variable to store the result of the multiplication of the length of my last name times three (3).

The script uses the following functions and methods:
·         split method.
·         len function.

The script prints the values of the last name and result of the multiplication variables.

Below is a screen shot of the results of the script.

Monday, May 18, 2015

GIS 4102: GIS Programming Module 1

Module 1: Introducing Python

This week’s assignment covered the introduction to Python, IDLE and PythonWin.  In PythonWin we reviewed and ran the CreateModuleFolders scripts.  The script created twelve (12) folders with several subfolders (Data, Results, Scripts) in the S:\GISProgramming folder. 

Running the script was simple.  I clicked on the “Run” icon, but there are several other ways to run the script such as File Menu > Run, Control Key –R, or simply doubly clicking on the script file.  The script ran and it returned a process complete message as stated in the script.  The 12 folders and sub-folders were created.

Below is a screen shot of the twelve folders created by the script for my S: drive.